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I'm working on a series of navy adventure stories called * Corrie's War * which can be downloaded straight to your computer or mobile phone.


What is the name of the first eBook in the series?


The first book is called PRESS GANG! Books are so cheap these days, you can have this first Corrie adventure on your screen for the price of a doughnut! It may even be free. Click the blue  button to find out what the price is today.


What is the name of the second eBook in the series?


The second book is called ENEMY SHIP! Corrie has joined the navy and is in trouble with the Master-at-Arms. Her brother is in a fight for his life. Corrie swings in to action! 


What is the name of the third eBook in the series?


The third book in the * Corrie's War * saga is called CLEAR FOR ACTION! Corrie must take on new responsibilities and risk all to save her ship's company. What was it like to put on an officer's uniform and take command in Nelson's navy?





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